How's life? Mine is pretty great! Fun first for me this week: Daylight savings! I got an extra hour of sleep so that was pretty fun! I'm just not too exited for when it switches back and we lose an hour of sleep! haha I like Arizona. No daylight savings just keeps it simple and easy.
Well, its been another awesome missionary week. Simple, but awesome. Nothing too amazing happened to write on, but life is simply great. I am happy, healthy, and having the time of my life!
This weekend was our stake conference and I wanted to share a couple insights that I took from the speakers. First, know that the theme of the conference was Missionary Work and thus the Quotes/Ideas are missionary oriented =] Missionaries Missionaries Missionaries. Its great!
The first idea I liked was a quote that was said by a woman that was talking about how members can get involved in missionary work. She was talking about how, at times, opening our mouths to share the Gospel can be a little bit daunting and we don't know where to start, but then she gave this advice: "First Invite the Savior to help us Invite." Its a pretty simple idea, but, I feel, very powerful. We aren't alone in this work! The whole purpose behind missionary work is inviting people to come unto Christ; therefore, Christ should be the first person we turn to for help. He is going to help us and push us in this journey! =]
The Second Idea comes from a talk that our mission president gave at the conference. He talked about Christ's parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin, and Prodigal Son foudn in Luke 15. He first pointed out that in each of the 3 cases there was a sense of urgency/frantic-ness to find the lost thing: The shepherd left all of the other 99 sheep to find just one. The woman tore apart the house to find the coin. The father RAN to meet the son from far away. He then pointed out that in each of the 3 cases when the lost thing was found, immense love and joy was shown: The shepherd cradled the lost sheep and threw him over his shoulder to carry him safely back to the herd. When the coin was found the woman called her friends together to rejoice. When the prodigal son came home, the father clothed him, the father wrapped his arm around his shoulders, and celebrated by having a great feast! Like wise, there are those that are lost among us. The Lord is hastening his work and pulling out all of the stops to find and help them. We are those that need to find, help, and lift with love.
K I hope all of you have an AMAZING week!! Love you tons!
Elder Stones
This is sister Arguetta. She makes the best tortillas in the world!! Also, right before we took the picture she said, "Ooh If Im holding these it will look like you all gave them to me." And then grabbed the flowers. haha Cute old lady =]
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